Thursday, September 22, 2011

Advance Praise for Getting Business

The industry has spoken! Advance readers of Getting Business shower it with praise. (Well, it’s more of a light misting...) The book itself is now available for public consumption here.

Praise for Getting Business

“Dr. Joe and Richard did it again…This ‘how to’ on business marketing is a fun and easy to read guide that will help even the most marketing phobic understand how they can begin to use the new tools and channels to promote and grow their businesses now and in the future. It is a must read!”
—David Zwang, Zwang & Company

“Push, pull, participate! Recognizing what a commercial printer must do to stay relevant can be found in this engaging look at communications today. Reading the book on my iPad while commuting into New York, I immediately appreciated the easy read and strategy map my business must implement to succeed in this decade.”
—Terry Tevis, President, TATevis & Company

Getting Business will scare some, excite others, and interest all. The most current and thoughtful insight into how printers, marketers, and their customers can succeed that has been written to date. This can make you fall in love with the industry again.”
—Carl Gerhardt, Chairman, Allegra Network

“There are three domains of knowledge: we know what we know; we know what we don’t know; and we don’t know what we don’t know. Not knowing what we don’t know is our blind spot, and that is where we are most vulnerable. Dr. Joe and Richard again provide their hands-on expertise and breakthrough insights that can provide coaching for success.”
—David G. Rosenthal, President, Shepard Communications Group, Inc.

Getting Business, the latest contribution by Dr. Joe Webb and Richard Romano, provides great insights for printing executives challenging themselves to forge a new future in the communications industry. The case studies (with a bit of humor) should certainly get your creative juices flowing with countless ideas on how to play in the ‘media sandbox,’ and the chapter “Pushing and Pulling It All Together” provides great on ways to implement the transition. This is a must read!”
—Jerry Scher, Principal, Peak Focus, LLC

“Dr. Joe and Richard have shown a whole new level of creativity and ideas in this book. Numbers are important, but emotions are everything. Once I got past the laughter of ‘I can’t believe they named a section that,’ I found myself drawn into the possibilities of what the new way of thinking about business opportunities can mean for the companies and people in our industry—and how it can impact the entire world of business beyond. Participation in all communications can lead to more opportunities than just providing one piece of it. The majority of this industry—printer, supplier, consultant, and educator, young and old—could use some influence, creativity, and inspiration.”
—Peter Muir, Entrepreneur and President of Bizucate Inc.

“One of the hardest things to do when making changes to your business is to understand all the things that need to change for your transformation to be successful. For the printers who have read this book one sentence stood out—“It’s not just about your equipment anymore.” Getting Business has great company examples, which demonstrate older marketing practices compared to what is needed today in the new world of communications in order to reach your target audience.  Make sure you’re way ahead of “The Man in the Chair” before you meet him! This book tells you how to Get Business!”
—John Foley, Jr.

“If you don’t have time to read this book word for word, take my advice and head right for the dessert: Read from page 95 to the end, including the Channel Glossary (winning nugget!). This last chapter, “Pushing & Pulling It All Together,” is the basis for achieving comfort as well as business success when integrating print with other media. The authors’ insights about media plans, printers as Marketing Services Providers, and overcoming fear by embracing new gadgets, is worth the price of the book. I think this is where they hit the nerve in the print industry. Read this section early...and often.”
—Margie Dana, Print Buyers International

“Dr. Joe Webb and Richard Romano treat us to another timely resource in Getting Business. Like their previous works, this book is a great resource for all that are looking for the ‘how tos’ in creating more value and deeper relationships with their clients. It can be an intimidating transition to go from ‘printer’ to ‘print and...’ yet that is what we must do to build a business of lasting value and a vibrant workplace for our employees.”
—Kevin Cushing, chief executive officer, AlphaGraphics, Inc., and 2011 WhatTheyThink PrintCEO of the Year

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